Technology & Innovation
day one project

重新想象全球发展的未来: A moonshot accelerator to reach the SDGs

16.06.22 | 4分钟阅读

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) articulate a bold set of targets for countries worldwide to achieve by 2030 to improve human development and overcome threats to extinction. To tackle the effects of a changing climate, eliminate poverty, ensure global access to education and clean water, eliminate hunger, and meet other ambitious goals, the global community must come together to generate new models to seed, scale and implement novel, catalytic solutions.

UnlockAid, is hosting a global development moonshot accelerator, including an in-person convention in August in Mexico City. We’re convening the world’s most innovative organizations to connect and collaborate on the way forward to tackle our bold goals. In addition to you, we’ll be inviting government and philanthropic funders that are in a position to bring proven ideas to scale. We hope you’ll join us.

Meeting the moment through moonshots

我们的世界在历史上的其他时刻面临着多种存在的威胁。而且,我们只能通过坚定,协调的领导,动员资源以及奉献的政策行动来解锁和催化创新的敬业政策行动来满足这一时刻。Amoonshotis an ambitious goal that is difficult to tackle, and requires innovative and often disruptive methods to achieve it, but will have profound societal impact once resolved. This moonshot accelerator is a call to action. We seek to generate fresh ideas to support the development and scaling of new innovation with discrete policy actions, to bring together decision makers at bilateral and multilateral institutions, and offer roadmaps of how to stand up and support the launch of these moonshots for development. We also intend to identify proven solutions that are “shovel ready” – those that, if given resources today, could immediately scale their impact to reach tens of millions of people around the world.



What kinds of ideas are we looking for?To focus our efforts, the policy accelerator will focus on identifying moonshot ideas and scalable solutions to address the following thematic areas:

We know innovation does not always mean new technology – it also means new operating models, processes, solidarity, movement, change, and ensuring that diverse perspectives are not only heard, but listened to and leading. When we talk about a moonshot, the goal is to make a big bet to solve a daunting challenge in an accelerated time period. With a goal of achieving the SDGs within this decade, we aim to develop blueprints for moonshot policies and related actions with you during this accelerator.

What will I get out of it?

Participants will have the chance to build a network of highly innovative individuals and organizations working on the SDGs. This includes entrepreneurs and big thinkers as well as funders and policymakers. Together, we’ll reimagine the sets of policy recommendations that major global development agencies need to adopt to create the ecosystem for other innovators to take on big global challenges. For those participants that have a big idea or a market-tested solution that address one or more of the SDGs, you’ll also be given the chance to pitch it to high-impact funders.


If you’re interested in joining us, either as an individual or on behalf of your organization, please complete this application form below to share your idea for consideration. The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2022. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. All confirmations for participation will be sent by July 18, 2022.

注意:我们希望每个被选为此加速器的人都能参与。这就是为什么解锁援助将为墨西哥城的全部或部分旅行提供总部位于低收入国家 /地区的组织的原因或在低收入国家和/或具有传统上代表性不足的创始人的运营. By selecting Mexico City as the host for this event, we anticipate this should minimize potential travel disruptions associated with obtaining visas and other issues. However, if you are selected for this accelerator and expect that you will have travel constraints, please let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

When will I hear more information on the actual workshop in Mexico City?

Virtual whiteboarding sessions to workshop ideas before and after the workshop.
Connections to experts and current and former decision makers in USG and other instituitons who serves as a resource and mentor during the development of the moonshot.
Access to toolkits, workbooks, technical editing, and other resources to ensure a compelling final written product.