Ecosystems & Entrepreneurship


06.05.23 | 13 min read | 文字梅利莎·罗伯茨·查普曼(Melissa Roberts Chapman)

As someone who works remotely and travels quite a long way to be with my colleagues, I really value my “water cooler moments” in the FAS office, when I have them. The idea for this series came from one such moment, when Josh Schoop and I were sharing a sparkling water break. Systems thinking, we realized, is a through line in many parts of our work, and part of the mental model that we share that leads to effective change making in complex, adaptive systems. In the geekiest possible terms:

A diagram of 'water cooler conversations' from a Systems Thinking perspective

Systems analysis had been a feature of Josh’s dissertation, while I had had an opportunity to study a slightly more “quant” version of the same concepts under John Sterman at MIT Sloan, through my System Dynamics coursework. The more we thought about it, systems thinking and system dynamics were present across the team at FAS–from our brilliant colleague Alice Wu, who had recently given a presentation on Tipping Points, to folks who had studied the topic more formally as engineers, or as students at Michigan and MIT. This led to the first meeting of our FAS “Systems Thinking Caucus” and inspired a series of blog posts which intend to make this philosophical through-line more clear. This is just the first, and describes how and why systems thinking is so important in the context of entrepreneurship policy, and how systems modeling can help us better understand which policies are effective.

我第一次听到某人被描述为“生态系统构建器”时,我很确定我的眼睛不由自主地滚动。在过去的15年中,我在职业生涯中度过了支持,建设和成长的企业社区。我来到这项工作不是从学术界出来的,而是出于企业家和企业家支持计划的领导人的经验。结果,我一直对自己的工作采取一种务实的方法,并避免了(甚至是嘲笑)流行语,这些流行语使得很难就我们的优先事项和目标进行交流。在技​​术初创公司的世界中,我的大部分工作都根深蒂固,从“ MVP”到“牵引力”的流行语几乎是一个强迫。称社区为“生态系统”对我来说似乎没有什么不同,也没有必要。

And yet, over the years, I’ve come to tolerate, understand, and eventually embrace “ecosystems.” Not because it comes naturally, and not because it’s the easiest word to understand, but because it’s the most accurate descriptor of my experience and the dynamics I’ve witnessed first-hand.

So what, exactly, are innovation ecosystems?

我对创新的理解生态系统是grounded first in the experience of navigating one in my hometown of Kansas City–first, as a newly minted entrepreneur, desperately seeking help understanding how to do taxes, and later as a leader of an entrepreneur support organization (ESO), a philanthropic funder, and most recently, as an angel investor. It’s also informed by the academic work ofFiona Murray博士Dr. Phil Budden。我第一次看到他们创新生态系统的利益相关者模型,它结晶了我在15年的反复试验中学到的知识,成为一个简单的框架。它与我亲眼目睹的企业家渴望寻求帮助和建议充分引起了共鸣 - 创新生态系统从根本上是由人和机构组成的,这些人和机构通常属于同一类别:企业家,风险资本,大学,政府,政府或公司。

Over time–both as a student and as an ecosystem builder, I came to see the complexity embedded in this seemingly simple idea and evolved my view. Today, I amend that model of innovation ecosystems to, essentially, split universities into two stakeholder groups: research institutions and workforce development. I take this view because, though not every secondary institution is a world-leading research university like MIT, smaller and less research-focused colleges and universities play important roles in an innovation ecosystem. Where is the room for institutions like community colleges, workforce development boards, or even libraries in a discussion that is dominated by the need to commercialize federally-funded research? Two goals–the production of human capital and the production of intellectual property–can also sometimes be in tension in larger universities, and thus are usually represented by different people with different ambitions and incentives. The concerns of a tech transfer office leader are very different from those of a professor in an engineering or business school, though they work for the same institution and may share the same overarching aspirations for a community. Splitting the university stakeholder into two different stakeholder groups makes the most sense to me–but the rest of the stakeholder model comes directly from Dr. Murray and Dr. Budden.

Figure 2: Innovation Ecosystem Stakeholder Model

思考创新生态系统的一个重要考虑因素是,边界确实很重要。创新生态系统的特征是这些利益相关者群体的合作和协调 - 但并不是这些利益相关者所做的一切都与他们参与生态系统,即使与该集团试图建立或支持的行业有关。

例如,想象一个正在努力建立生物技术创新生态系统的社区。将新的生物技术公司搬迁到该地区是否有意义地改善了生态系统?好吧,这取决于!如果该公司通过指示高管在非营利组织建立生态系统的董事会中,有助于告知与其人才需求相关的劳动力发展计划,指导他们的内部VC参加,则可以指导其内部VC参加,这可能会通过指示高管在生态系统建设非营利组织的董事会任职,这可能local accelerator’s demo day, offering dormant lab space in their core facility to a cash-strapped startup at cost, or engaging in sponsored research with the local university. Relocation of the company may not improve the ecosystem if they simply happen to be working in the targeted industry and receive a relocation tax credit. In short, by itself, shared work between two stakeholders on an industry theme does not constitute ecosystem building. That shared work must advance a vision that is shared by all of the stakeholders that are core to the work.



创新生态系统中一个或多个的股份holders is absent will likely struggle to make an impact. Entrepreneurs with no access to capital don’t go very far, nor do economic development efforts without government buy-in, or a workforce training program without employers.

In the context of today’s bevvy of federal innovation grant opportunities with 60-day deadlines, it can be tempting to “go to war with the army you have” instead of prioritizing efforts to build relationships with new corporate partners or VCs. But how would you feel if you were “invited” to do a lot of work and deploy your limited resources to advance a plan that you had no hand in developing? Ecosystem efforts that invest time in building relationships and trust early will benefit from their coordination, regardless of federal funding.



What about entrepreneur support organizations (ESO)? What about philanthropy? Where do they fit into the model?

当我将此模型介绍给其他生态系统建筑商时,我遇到的最常见的问题之一是:“ ESOS适合在哪里?”大多数ESO都喜欢将自己视为与企业家保持一致的,但值得一些警告。首先,您应该要求弄清楚ESO,会议厅或任何其他变形组织的关键问题适合此模型,“他们的激励结构是什么?”也就是说,最重要的是要了解组织对谁负责。当我在约翰逊县的企业中心工作时,尽管我宣誓就职我属于我所服务的企业家的“ E”类别,但我们的维持资金由县政府提供。我的核心动力是保护都市地区的政治分区的利益,而感知到的事情可能会导致我们组织的资金被削减(或至少是我被解雇)。这意味着我确实是“ G”或政府利益相关者。因此,勇敢的ESO领导者,除非资助,雇用和射击的人是多数企业家,否则您可能不是“ E”。

The second danger of assuming that ESOs are, in fact, entrepreneurs, is that it often leads to a lack of actual entrepreneurs in the conversation. ESOs stand in for entrepreneurs who are too busy to make it to the meeting. But the reality is that even the most well-meaning ESOs have a different incentive structure than entrepreneurs–meaning that it is very difficult for them to naturally represent the same views. Take for instance, a community survey of entrepreneurs that finds that entrepreneurs see “access to capital” as the primary barrier to their growth in a given community. In my experience, ESOs generally take that somewhat literally, and begin efforts to raise investment funds. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand who simply meant “I need more money,” might see many pathways to getting it, including by landing a big customer. (After all, revenue is the cheapest form of cash.) This often leads ESOs to prioritize problems that match their closest capabilities, or the initiatives most likely to be funded by government or philanthropic grants. Having entrepreneurs at the table directly is critically important, because they see the hairiest and most difficult problems first–and those are precisely the problems it take a big group of stakeholders to solve.

Finally, I have seen folks ask a number of times where philanthropy fits into the model. The reality is that I’m not sure. My initial reaction is that most philanthropic organizations have a very clear strategic reason for funding work happening in ecosystems–their theory of change should make it clear which stakeholder views they represent. For example, a community foundation might act like a “government” stakeholder, while a funder of anti-poverty work who sees workforce development as part or their theory of change is quite clearly part of the “W” group. But not every philanthropy has such a clear view, and in some cases, I think philanthropic funders, especially those in small communities, can think of themselves as a “shadow stakeholder,” standing in for different viewpoints that are missing in a conversation. Finally, philanthropy might play a critical and underappreciated role as a “platform creator.” That is, they might seed the conversation about innovation ecosystems in a community, convene stakeholders for the first time, or fund activities that enable stakeholders to work and learn together, such as planning retreats, learning journeys, or simply buying the coffee or providing the conference room for a recurring meeting. Finally, and especially right now, philanthropy has an opportunity to act as an “accelerant,” supporting communities by offering the matching funds that are so critical to their success in leveraging federal funds.


创新生态系统、自然系统一样,是both complex and adaptive. They are complex because they are systems of systems. Each stakeholder in an innovation ecosystem is not just one person, but a system of people and institutions with goals, histories, cultures, and personalities. Not surprisingly, these systems of systems are adaptive, because they are highly connected and thus produce unpredictable, ungovernable performance. It is very, very difficult to predict what will happen in a complex system, and most experts in fields like system dynamics will tell you that a model is never truly finished, it is just “bounded.” In fact, the way that the quality of a systems model is usually judged is based on how closely it maps to a reference mode of output in the past. This means that the best way to tell whether your systems model is any good is to give it “past” inputs, run it, and see how closely it compares to what actually happened. If I believe that job creation is dependent on inflation, the unemployment rate, availability of venture capital, and the number of computer science majors graduating from a local university, one way to test if that is truly the case is to input those numbers over the past 20 years, run a simulation of how many jobs would be created, according to the equations in my model, and seeing how closely that maps to the actual number of jobs created in my community over the same time period. If the line maps closely, you’ve got a good model. If it’s very different, try again, with more or different variables. It’s quite easy to see how this trial-and-error based process can end up with an infinitely expanding equation of increasing complexity, which is why the “bounds” of the model are important.

Finally, complex, adaptive systems are, as my friend and George Mason University ProfessorPhil Auerswald博士说:“自我组织和强大的干预”。也就是说,仅基于几个变量,几乎不可能预测线性结果(或是否有任何结果)。这意味着简单的方程式(赚钱=工作)是错误的。为了更好地理解复杂的影响,自适应系统需要绘制整个系统,并在很长一段时间内周期性地彼此之间彼此之间相互改变有多少不同的变量。它还需要了解每个变量的随机性质。这是一种非常数学上的说法,它需要理解每个变量不可预测的精确方式,或者是其钟形曲线的形状。

所有这些都是说,对创新生态系统的理解和评估需要一种与线性完全不同的方法jobs created = companies started *Moretti乘数assumptions of the past.

So how do you know if ecosystems are growing or succeeding if the number of jobs created doesn’t matter?

The point of injecting complexity thinking into our view of ecosystems is not to create a sense of hopelessness. Complex things can be understood–they are not inherently chaotic. But trying to understand these ecosystems through traditional outputs and outcomes is not the right approach since those outputs and outcomes are so unpredictable in the context of a complex system. We need to think differently about what and how we measure to demonstrate success. The simplest and most reliable thing to measure in this situation then becomes the capacities of the stakeholders themselves, and the richness or quality of the connections between them. This is a topic we’ll dive into further in future posts.