Science Policy
day one project


06.15.23 | 6分钟阅读 | 文字黛安·桑切斯(Diane Sanchez)




从历史上看,美国运输投资的重点是扩大和开发个人车辆旅行的高速公路。因此,45% of Americans无法获得可靠且安全的公共交通工具,可以使几乎一半的一半的一次性车辆永久存在。EPA报告说,运ReportsReports输占美国温室气体排放量的29%,这些排放中有58%来自轻型汽车。个人车辆的全国性排放量很大,具有短期和长期的气候影响。

在绿色公共和活动中的投资应该是DOT从个人车主主导的社会过渡并与Biden Adminissmation符合“目标of a 100% clean electrical grid by 2035 and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.” Public and active transportation infrastructure includes bus systems, light rail, bus rapid transit, bike lanes, and safe sidewalks. Investments in public and active transportation should go towards a combination of electrifying existing public transportation, such as buses; improving and expanding public transit to be more reliable and accessible for more users; constructing bike lanes; developing community-owned bike share programs; and creating safe walking corridors.

除了减少碳排放外,改进的公共交通不稳定个人车辆的使用都具有多种共同利益。优先公共交通工具可能会限制道路上的拥堵和较低的污染。道路上的车辆较少导致较少的尾管排放,这是“会引发健康问题,例如加重哮喘,肺活量降低以及对呼吸道疾病的易感性增加,包括肺炎和支气管炎。”This is especially important for the millions of people who live near freeways and heavily congested roads.

对于美国家庭而言,拥塞在财务上也可能成本高昂;这Inriz全球交通计分卡报告称,交通拥堵在2022年花费了81ReportsReports0亿美元。Those costs include vehicle maintenance, fuel cost, and “lost time,” all of which can be reduced with reliable and accessible public and active transportation. Additionally, the American Public Transportation Association reports that every$1 investedin public transportation generates $5 in economic returns, measured by savings in time traveled, reduction in traffic congestion, and business productivity. Thus, by investing in public transportation, communities can see improvements in air quality, economy, and health.

公共交通主要在地方和州一级进行管理;目前,结束6000地方和州运输机构在其地区提供和监督公共交通。公共交通是通过联邦,州和地方来源资助的,并且过境机构从“乘客票价和其他运营收据。”联邦公交管理局(FTA)通过赠款loans和accounts for运输机构的总收入的15%,其中包括运输基础设施中的31%的资本投资。由于乘客和资金流的不确定性,地方和国家实体通常缺乏足够的资源来改善公共交通系统。


The following recommendations provide a pathway for transportation agencies at all levels of government to increase public and active transportation, resulting in social, economic, and environmental benefits for the communities they serve.

Plan of Action

建议1. FTA应要求授予申请人进行诸如以可持续性和公平(提高)重建美国基础设施(提高)的计划,以定义他们将如何与多个联邦机构合作并进行社区参与。

Per the国家运输脱碳的蓝图, FTA staff should prioritize funding for grant applicants who successfully demonstrate partnerships and collaboration. This can be demonstrated, for example, with letters of support from community members and organizations for transit infrastructure projects. Collaboration can also be demonstrated by having applicants report clear goals, roles, and responsibilities for each agency involved in proposed projects. The FTA should:

  1. 开发用于评估伙伴关系效率和与国家过境脱碳目标保持一致的标题。
  2. 在标题中创建一个分层的指标系统,该系统根据协作和减少过境部门的温室气体排放的项目优先考虑项目的优先级。
  3. Add a category to theirGuidance Center关于联邦国家 - 局部合作伙伴关系,以洞悉他们如何看待成功的合作。

Recommendation 2. The DOT and HUD should collaborate on a prize competition to design active and/or public transportation projects to reduce traffic congestion.

住房和运输成本相关并相互影响,这就是HUD是天然伴侣的原因。资金可以来自高速公路信托基金,该DOT有权将其分配给“1%的资金用于研究和开发rry出去 。。。奖杯计划[S]。”


The goal of the prize competition is to identify challenges, collaborate, and share resources across agencies and communities to design transportation solutions. The competition would connect the DOT with local and regional planning and transportation agencies to solicit solutions from the public, whether from individuals, teams of individuals, or organizations. The DOT and HUD should work collaboratively to design the selection criteria for the challenge and select the winners. Each challenge winner would be provided with a financial prize of $250,000, and their idea would be housed on the DOT website as a case study that can be used for future planning decisions. The local agencies that provide the three design challenges would be welcome to implement the winning solutions.





What are examples of transit public-private partnerships (P3s)?

美国的大多数P3都用于公路,桥梁和道路,但有一些成功的公共交通P3。2018年,洛杉矶市以49亿美元的P3加入了Lax和Lax Integrated Express Solutions机场内的火车系统。该项目旨在于2024年启动以“增强旅行者的体验”,并“每天少117,000辆车行驶的车辆少117,000”到达机场。该项目是P3S如何帮助减少交通拥堵并启用并鼓励使用公共交通工具的一个典型例子。

How can P3s be further supported through federal policy beyond the recommendations in this memo?

2021年,国会研究服务局发布了一份有关公私合作伙伴关系(3P)的报告highlights the role the federal government can play通过使机构更容易参加P3。


The state of Michigan has a long history with itsMichigan Savesprogram, the nation’s first nonprofit green bank, which provides funding for projects like rooftop solar or energy efficiency programs.

在加利福尼亚California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority“与公共和私人合作伙伴合作,为可再生能源,能源效率以及先进的运输和制造技术提供创新和有效的融资解决方案。

The罗德岛基础设施银行provides funding to municipalities, businesses, and homeowners for projects “including water and wastewater, roads and bridges, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and brownfield remediation.”

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Science Policy
day one project

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